Project Description

Our Project Description

Project Background and Description

Upper Lohore Small Hydropower Project was identified, investigated, designed, and is currently under construction on the upper stretches of the Lohore Khola. It is a Run of River (RoR) type project having an installed capacity of 4.0MW, being developed by Upper Lohore Khola Hydropower Pvt. Ltd. The project is located in Dailekha district of Karnali zone in the Mid-Western Development Region of Nepal.

Upper Lohore Small Hydropower Project was designed for a capacity of 4.0 MW with gross head of 199.11 m and a design discharge of 2.5 m3 /sec. Water from the Lohore Khola will be diverted by constructing the diversion weir with weir crest level 1347.90 masl across the Lohore Khola at Hile village and will be fed through the intake, gravel trap, approach canal, and a waterway comprising of about 2825 m long Mild steel pressure pipe will convey design flow of 2.5 m3/s from settling basin to to a powerhouse at the left bank of Lohore Khola at Shyauli bazar, With internal diameter of pipe varying from 1.40 m-0.9m up to bifurcation and thickness of the pipe varying from 6 mm to 14 mm.. Semi Surface Powerhouse will be located at left bank of Lohore Khola, The Powerhouse will have two sets of electromechanical equipment’s such as Horizontal Pelton Turbine-generator set, governor and control systems etc. There will be store room, control room, office room and machine hall. The powerhouse structure will be an RCC framed structure and its roof will be of CGI sheet in truss structure. The overall dimension of Powerhouse is 19.40 m length and 9.40 m width. The turbine central axis is located at 1149.75 amsl. The tail water level is fixed at 1147.80 amsl. The project’s headwork’s site and powerhouse site are located at Baluwatar and Rapat Rural Municipality respectively.

The project encompasses an area between latitude 28°57′21″ N to 28°56′01″ N and longitude 81°48′40″ E to 81°48′13″ E. The project was deemed financially viable and technically feasible according to the feasibility reports and hence PPA was signed for the same with Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA). The project is financed by Rastriya Banijya Bank Ltd. The project is in construction for the last three years.

General Layout of the Project

Project Parties

The organizations/entities participating in the project implementation are as follows:

  1. Company or Developer

Upper Lohore Khola Hydropower Company Limited, Ghana Pokhari, Kathmandu is developer of the project. The company is also responsible for detail studies, IEE study, social mitigation, infrastructure development, project administration, construction supervision and monitoring, etc.

  2. Consultant

Units Engineering Consultancy (Pvt.) Ltd., Kupondole, Lalitpur is the Design Consultant for the Civil works of the project.

  3. Contractors:

      3.1 Civil Works: Company has signed a contract agreement with Hydro Makers Pvt. Ltd. for the construction of main civil works, such as, Headworks, Head Race Alignments, Surge Shaft, Anchor Block and Saddle Support, Penstock Alignments, Power House and Tail Race Canal etc.

     3.2 Hydro-mechanical Works: Company has signed a contract agreement with Kathmandu Engineering Pvt. Ltd.

   3.3 Electro-mechanical Works: Company has signed a contract with Geppert Hydropower, Austria for Design, Manufacture, Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Turbines, Generators, Aux. Equipment, Power Transformers and Switchyard Equipment.

   4. Insurance

Nepal Insurance Co. Ltd., Kathmandu is the insuring company for inconsistent with CAR policy of insurance.

   5. Transmission Line

Company has signed a contract with Bhugol Energy Development Limited for Transmission Line Sharing.